Personal arrangements should be made:
- Arrangements should be made for someone to drive you home. Arrange for some relative or friend who will stay with you during the initial 24 hours after the breast augmentation procedure.
- In case you have small kids, make arrangements for taking care of them too. The responsibilities at home and work should be minimized so that you can enjoy a relaxed recovery period.
- Ensure that you have arranged for all prescription medications and have kept them at a convenient location. Consult your physician as to when you can start driving, exercising and other activities.
- There are not many things that need to be brought on the day of the surgery. Generally, patients carry a small bag and identification.
Keep These Important Tips in Mind
- If you are a smoker, then it is very important to stop smoking at least a few days before the procedure.
- Always ensure that your plastic surgeon is aware of the supplements, medications and herbs that you take. For example, with medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin, bleeding problems can be caused during or after the procedure. The instructions of the physician should be followed carefully and these medications should not be taken a few weeks before the procedure.
- Follow a healthy diet and avoid consuming alcohol.
- Exercise is obviously good for your overall health. However, vigorous exercise should be avoided on the day before the breast augmentation surgery.
- On the night before the procedure, avoid drinking or eating anything.
- The night before the procedure, the surgical areas should be washed with antimicrobial soap. Don't apply any lotions, creams, oils or moisturizers.
- Nail polish should be removed from the toenail and finger nail so that the blood circulation can be monitored during the procedure.
- Loose-fitting clothes and comfortable flat shoes should be worn.
Prepare yourself well for your breast augmentation surgery so that you can have a pleasant surgical experience, and a stress-free recovery period.