Easy and Amazing Shrimp Deviled Egg Recipe -- How to Make Deviled Eggs & Shrimp
Deceptively simple, this deviled egg recipe produces such incredible flavor that you might think there's some kind of magic involved. But it really is just hard boiled eggs and a few ingredients -- with the addition of cool shrimp and zesty seafood seasoning -- that make these as special as they are.
They make a crowd pleasing and economical appetizer (you can even use leftover Easter eggs if you don't mind the color), but be warned: these are so good, you might want to ask yourself before you start whether 24 deviled eggs is going to be nearly enough!
The cayenne is totally optional here; add it if you like a bit of heat, but these eggs are quite delicious enough without any additional 'deviltry'.
(View the Full Size Photo of Easy and Amazing Shrimp Deviled Eggs)
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