Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Ideas to Help You Quit Smoking

Want to add healthy years to your life? Try giving up smoking for good.
The goal of quitting smoking has a bad reputation.
So many people commit to stopping, give it a try, succeed for a short time and then start back up again.
The evidence of those who have failed aside, it is very possible to successfully quit smoking for good.
With a little initiative and the ideas below to help you along, you could soon be a non-smoker.
The first step in any task to commit yourself.
Quitting smoking is no exception.
Quitting any ingrained habit whether it's smoking, overeating or procrastinating takes a firm will.
If you take it on half way, your results are likely to reflect a half-hearted commitment.
If you're serious about quitting, take a sacred oath with yourself right now -- no smoking from this date forward.
A healthy step like giving up cigarettes is greatly benefitted by the addition of a healthy exercise regime.
The benefit of exercise for recent former smokers is two-fold.
Not only does lively physical exertion get the blood going and the lungs working, it distracts the mind.
When you're used to lighting up during down time, it's as easy to crave something to do with your hands as it is the taste or sensation of smoking.
Exercise will get your mind off of that unconscious thought.
If you aren't used to exercise, try walking.
The benefits can't be overstated.
For most people, smoking is especially associated with particular activities.
At the beginning of your new non-smoker life, it's probably best to take a pass on these activities.
If when you play cards you always smoke, take a break from cards.
If you're used to standing around outside of work with friends and lighting up, excuse yourself for a few weeks.
As you get a handle on abstaining and you begin to feel better, you can always add these activities and situations back into your life.
But while you're getting your legs firmly underneath you, give yourself a break by not adding unneeded temptation into the mix.
Deal with the oral fixation by eating healthy, low-calorie snacks.
Carrots, celery or even raw broccoli are just a few healthy things you can put in your mouth instead of an unhealthy cigarette.
Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, is also good.
Everyone's heard that they need 8-10 glasses of water per day for a healthy body.
Now is your chance to try it out.
Quitting smoking doesn't have to be all about giving something up, it can be about adding healthful habits as well.
Getting support from those close to you can make a big difference in whether you're successful or not in your goal to quit cigarettes.
Even friends who still smoke will understand and respect your decision, especially if you tell them you're doing it to feel better.
If you're clear with them about your resolve, you'll be surprised at how they take on helping you succeed.
And when you have them that much on your side, you won't want to disappoint them.
If you feel like you need to reinforce your ability to be and stay committed, try meditating.
Everyone of us has set a goal that we've failed to attain.
We all need help in this area.
Meditation is like a gym to strengthen the mind.
With just 15 minutes per day of sitting quietly, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths, you'll refresh your mind.
This helps concentration and your ability to stay focused and keep from taking unconscious action like smoking.
Giving up the smoking habit can be challenging.
It takes work and perseverance.
But the result of a healthier, happier life is worth it and using these tips can help.

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