Determine what your website is going to be about by examining your interests.
Is there something that drives your passion?
Are you currently an affiliate for any companies?
You want to make sure that you are interested in whatever your website is going to be about and make sure you have merchants related to the topic.
Some ideas for off beat or niche marketing should also be consider.
An often used technique of niche marketing is used by affiliate marketers. By seeking out smaller segments of larger markets, a website can be developed and promoted quickly to uniquely serve a targeted and usually loyal customer base, giving the affiliate a small but regular income stream. This technique is then repeated across several other niche websites until a desired income level is achieved.
For example do you like wine?
Search google keywords, punch in wine and see what other people searching for wine are looking for.
After typing in wine. I discoverd, wine cellars, wine openers, wine glasses, wine lists. All of these items would make great niche markets. All of these areas have products to sell.
You could market knowledge how to build a wine cellar an ebook. You don't even have to write it yourself, you might research reselling someone elses product.
A website of corkscrews that could be developed with companies like Amazon Associates or other affiliate programs.
You could email out new wine list every month and grow list of buyers of wine. With this list you can sell them other wine products or sell the complete list to another wine company.
The possibilties are endless just from one product alone. All you need is one interest or hobby and a quick search thru google keyword and 100's of website and online money making ideas should start coming to you.
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