Scientists have done extensive studies on the heart and the vessels in the body.
This is because so much is needed to treat the occurrence of arterial plaque.
The research that the scientists have discovered about the coronary atherosclerosis has changed dramatically in the last few years.
The coronary arteries are the main vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle.
They are needed to keep the heart alive.
New imaging techniques have made it possible to investigate atherosclerosis in its early stages.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease resulting in the buildup of plaque.
Atherosclerosis and arterial plaque develop and progress to move into the walls of the artery.
This problem can cause a narrowing of the lumen.
Those plaques that do not enter and bulge into the lumen of the artery are very hard to detect and scientists are looking for new methods to detect their presence inside the inner layers of the arterial wall.
Recent studies haves also shown that the early atherosclerosis and arterial plaques that are filled with fat, can be more prone to burst.
The more stable plaques just cause a narrowing of the artery lumen.
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of deaths to human beings worldwide.
To reduce the risk associated with this disease, research is now focused on early detection of this and reducing the risk factors to avoid an acute and serious problem.
Elevated low density protein cholesterol is strongly associated with an increase in heart attacks.
Cholesterol in the forms of low density protein and high density protein, along with white blood cells and red blood cells are all in circulation and contribute to arterial plaque formation.
The majority of the cholesterol in the blood is contained that transports cholesterol from the liver to nerve tissues, cell membranes and other cells for metabolism and other purposes.
The cholesterol in plaques is derived mainly from excess cholesterol.
High density protein is believed to function as retriever, removing cholesterol from the circulation to the liver for excretion.
For this reason high protein is often referred to as the good cholesterol.
Low levels of protein cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and heart attack.
High levels of low protein are also a risk factor for the occurrence of heart disease.
White blood cells called primary cells are wondering scavengers that have the job unction of consuming foreign or damaging substances.
Primary cells participate in the atherosclerosis process by taking up residence within the vessel wall and consuming lipids.
Red blood cells are the transporters of oxygen and other nutrients to the body's tissues.
Atherosclerosis develops from the scientific reaction between them.
Recently scientists have focused on the important role plaques in coronary artery disease.
In the early stages of atherosclerosis, there is just the initial response of an artery to plaque growth caused by low protein accumulation within the arterial wall.
The lumen may in some people retain its normal shape.
This allows the vessel to maintain normal blood flow.
Thus any new studies in the future will show more ways to reduce the amount of fat in the diet and inside of the artery wall.
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