Skin tags are said to be little growths, that appear on the skin. They usually seem to be like small lumps. A stalk normally assists them to be attached to the skin. Most of the times they are present in places where clothes often rub on them. This could occasionally result in irritation. Consequently this becomes the major reason for people, to get rid of them.
Several ways can be used to achieve skin tag removal. However, before getting it removed, it is necessary to make sure that it is indeed a skin tag, that youre going to remove. A skin tag is usually painless. Its size is not more than half an inch. The tag is also of the same color as that of the skin. At times it may be a little darker than the skin.
The first way in which a skin tag can be removed is by visiting a doctor. The doctor can remove the tag in a number of ways. The first and the most used way would be cutting off the tag with a pair of scissors or a scalpel. A cautery tool can also be used, by a doctor to burn the tag. The tag can also be removed by freezing it, with the help of liquid nitrogen.
Majority of the insurance companies generally does not cover the removal of skin tags. This is because there is no medical reason for getting a tag removed. Thus getting a tag removed by the doctor can be very expensive. Not only is it expensive but it also has a certain amount of side effects. There is loss of blood and pain associated with cutting of the tag. The techniques of freezing and burning bring about discoloration of the skin. It is due to all of these reasons, that people prefer getting them removed at home.
Individuals can select one, among the various available home remedies, to get rid of skin tags. To begin with, a thread or a dental floss is tied around the tag. This obstructs the blood flow towards the tag. This makes the tag dry off and ultimately fall. This method is the most commonly used method.
The next option though being some what frightening is very popular. Nail clippers are used to cut off the tag. This technique involves some amount of blood loss. However, the wound is cleaned and an antibacterial ointment is applied on it. Castor oil is another vital component, that helps in the removal of skin tags. A paste of a thick consistency is formed by mixing castor oil with baking powder. The tag is then covered with the paste. The procedure should be followed for at least three times a day. This would assist to remove the tag more quickly.
It is extremely important to have all the details of the technique, that the person chooses to go for. This would surely assist the person to remove the tags at home. No matter whichever method one uses to remove the tags, the probability of it coming back in the same place is highly impossible. Having said that, in case the tag reappears, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
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