Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Disney Princess Party Games

These two Disney Princess party games are sure to cause a fit of the giggles amongst your guests.
So be sure to have plenty of room to roll around holding your stomach at this party.
The first game called 'Cinders Slippers' is a perfect fit for this Disney Princess party.
As each of the guests arrive have them remove one shoe and place it in a pile of other guest's shoes in the center of the room.
Be sure to remind everyone to wear good socks if they don't plan on wearing sandals.
Then after everyone has arrived tell everyone to grab a shoe from the pile.
It can't be their own shoe.
At your mark everyone has to run around trying to find the owner of the shoe they are holding.
The last person to be matched with a shoe is the winner and gets a prize for being Cinderella or Cinderfella at this fun Disney Princess party.
For this next game called, 'Steal a Gift' you'll need one gift for everyone at the party and a pair of dice for each group.
If you want you can theme the gifts after the Disney Princess party and have items like tiaras and magic wands.
You'll want to divide your party into three groups with an equal number of gifts piled in the center of each group.
One player in each group takes a turn rolling the dice.
If the player rolls a 7 or an 11 they get to take one gift for themselves from the pile.
Then the next player in the group rolls and so on.
If any player rolls two 1's or two 6's then they must return one gift to the pile if they have one.
Once a group has run out of disney princess gifts in their pile then the players can snatch a gift from another group's pile if they roll the 7 or 11 and vice versa.
You'll set a time limit for all of this gift stealing of about 10 minutes.
At the end of the time the players get to pick one gift of their choosing from the piles they've managed to amass.
This works better if you mix in a few really good gifts with the rest of the gifts.
If there are any players without gifts, as there are likely to be, they must wait until everyone has picked their gifts from their piles and then choose from the left over disney princess party gifts.
If there are a lot of players without gifts have each roll the dice to decide which order they will go in to pick a gift from the leftover piles.
You are sure to develop a lot of competition at your next Disney Princess party.

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