Health & Medical Medicine

Importance of pregnancy in women

Woman should know that pregnancy means carriage of one or more offspring known as a fetus or embryo which is present inside the uterus of the female. Woman undergoes multiple gestations mostly in the cases of twins or triplets, during pregnancy. Today lots of terms are used for pregnancy in medical fields like Obstetrics, Midwifery, and Childbirth. Normally woman should understand that pregnancy occurs approximately 40 weeks from the last normal menstrual period shehad. The diagnostic criteria of pregnancy in woman depend on several factors such as woman having menstrual cycles and are sexually active, or a period delayed by a few days or weeks suggest pregnancy. The pregnancy is the most beautiful aspect of woman's life. So advanced preparation should be done in order to take proper care while going through the process.

Generally woman understands that pregnancy is such a condition through which an infant is born.  There are several aspects of pregnancy which woman should try to know through various means.  Also the woman is known to be in labour condition when she begins experiencing regular uterine contractions, accompanied by changes of cervix like effacement and dilation. Woman are always scared of pregnancy as childbirth is largely  experienced as painful. But several reports showing that certain women had undergone painless labours. Woman should read booklets or health related magazines to know the proper stages of the pregnancy. Also it is found that if the woman concentrates on the child birth then it helps to quicken labour and reducing the sensations mostly.

There are several ways through which any woman can come to know the prescence of pregnancy in the body. The homely symptoms of knowing the condition of pregnancy are nausea and vomiting, excessive tiredness and fatigue, preferring certain foods, and frequent urination particularly at night. It is important for the woman to know the symptoms of pregnancy in order to dealt with them confidently. Besides above symptoms other factors too counted to know the symptoms of pregnancy such as irregular periods, on certain medications (not related to conceiving children) and obese women who ignore their weight gain. Woman can visit online shops to know the advantages and disadvantages of being into pregnancy.

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