- You can do a colon cleanse either through a flush with the use of an enema or colonic irrigation, through the use of various herbal supplements and ideally by using both of these techniques together. Cleansing the colon by flushing the system involves inserting a tube into the anus with liquid (this may be saline solution or purified water) that drips down or is squirted into the rectum. A flushing procedure is useful because it forces waste out, which is why an enema is used in hospitals before you undergo a variety of medical procedures. Many holistic practitioners claim that the positive effect of flushing out waste can be amplified if you use colonic irrigation techniques, which reach farther into the bowel, but which should be done under supervision. The negative side effects of flushing techniques include dehydration and damage to the rectum during insertion.
- You can also ingest herbs designed to rid the colon of waste, often in conjunction with dietary changes so that the body does not continue to accumulate waste. Usually colon cleanse pills will contain a fiber such as psyllium husk and medical grade bentonite clay to absorb impurities, as well as other ingredients. You should also take an herbal laxative pill to ensure that the colon cleanse pills are being forced out, and you should drink at least your body weight in ounces of water daily. You may also choose to do a water, broth or juice fast during this time, or to simply stay away from processed foods, sugars, refined flours and animal products thought to clog the colon.
A colon cleanse of this type will last between three days and three weeks, depending on the specific regimen. With potentially years of accumulated waste removed from your system through the cleanse, you may notice positive health benefits afterward. Herbal practitioners such as Schulze recommend doing an oral colon cleanse once every three months to keep the body regular in the future.