- Before you enter the United States, know and abide by its laws.five years in federal prison for an illegal gun. image by Christopher Martin from Fotolia.com
If you are an illegal alien, U.S. Customs laws forbid you from coming to the United States with the purpose of living and working here. Although you may work or study on its shores on a visa, those visas are good only for a certain time. After that time expires, you must either apply for renewal or leave. - According to the FindLaw website, if you as an immigrant attempt to enter the United States at a time or place other than that designated by immigration officials, and without taking and passing the proper examinations, you are guilty of a crime. The first time it happens, the authorities could fine you between $50 to $250 or imprison you for six months, or both. Any subsequent violations could lead to imprisonment for up to two years.
- If you marry an American citizen solely for the purpose of entering the United States, you have committed a felony that could bring a five-year prison term. Also, the courts could fine you up to $250,000.
- The law further states that if you start a commercial enterprise with the intent of gaining entry into the country without going through the proper legal channels, you could also face up to five years in prison and receive a fine.
- According to the End Illegal Immigration website, it is illegal for you to attempt to enter the United States without the proper medical and psychological tests. This rule is in effect so that Customs may identify people from countries where contagious diseases are rampant. Also, Customs wants to pinpoint those whose mental issues cause them to be a detriment to American society.
- As the End Illegal Immigration website points out, if you have ever been in trouble for breaking U.S. immigration laws, you are ineligible to apply for a visa or for citizenship here. If you so desire to come here legally, you must take your case before an attorney general, who must approve your re-entry.
- According to the End Illegal Immigration website, it is also unlawful for someone to enter the United States without demonstration of the knowledge of our history, and our customs. You must have a clear idea of what it means to be an American citizen. You must also have a command of the English language. The website indicates that you must be familiar with English words that are part of everyday usage. Thus, as part of the naturalization process, you will be tested over these concepts.
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