Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Know Your Most Fertile Days to Get Pregnant

If you want to get pregnant knowing when you are fertile is very important. You are most fertile for about two or less days monthly during your menstrual cycle and once you miss this opportunity you will have to wait for another month.

Naturally your body prepares to get pregnant every month. Involving several hormones, egg matures in the ovaries and during your cycle the egg gets to be released into one of the fallopian tubes waiting for fertilization process to take place. It very important in a woman and this period is known as ovulation period which is very important in reproduction.

Once ovulation occurs and the egg passes through the fallopian tube, the egg will break up in to pieces if it is not fertilized in less than a day. Your body shows sign and allow you know that ovulation is about to happen and this is the best time for you to have sex with your partner for quick fertilization. During this time you will notice that your underwear is sticky, the discharge liquid is known as the cervical mucus.

But you normally menstruate or bleed for about 1 week or less and immediately after the bleeding stops; you will not see any mucus for few days which is likely to be seven days or even lesser. Then you will notice that your underwear is sticky again it might probably stay for at least 24-48 hours before you start to see some discharge that looks like egg white. It might be white or yellowish in colour. This means that your fertile days are near and that is when you have the possibility of getting pregnant.

After ovulation your cervical mucus will dry up until your period comes. During this period you have to get your partner ready. Having sex day before and after your period gives you more chance of getting pregnant easily.

It is very important you relax after having sex with your partner, this allows the sperm to get to it destination and makes it easy for you to <a target="_new"rel"nofollow"rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/2650625');" href="/links/?u=">get pregnant fast</A>. Also try to make sure you avoid drinking coffee because it reduces your chance of getting pregnant.

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