- Regardless of what you use to thin your polyurethane, incorporate the thinner in a careful manner.
Use a clean stirring stick (such as the type you can get free at most paint and hardware stores). Never shake the can as this incorporates air bubbles and will result in a less-than smooth finish. Instead, slowly mix the polyurethane with the stirring stick using a figure-eight motion. Make sure to scrape all thick material from the bottom of the can and continuing stirring until the polyurethane has a uniform texture.
Add thinner slowly, and in several batches. You don't want to make the mistake of overly thinning your finish. - If you are using a water-based polyurethane you can thin it with water. Make sure to check the instructions on the can before adding water to a polyurethane.
- Mineral spirits have the advantage of being relatively odor-free and are therefore pleasant and easy to use. Mineral spirits are distilled from petroleum and are a mild solvent as well as a thinning medium.
- A strong-smelling substance often used by artists, turpentine can be used effectively to thin polyurethane. Make sure to mix turpentine into your finish only in well-ventilated spaces or outdoors.
- Paint thinners can be made from a variety of substances and have varying levels of odor and toxicity. Check that the paint thinner you buy is intended for use with polyurethane products.
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