Most people hear the word craft and immediately think "hobby" or "fun.
" Even though this can be true, there are some crafts that can be more than just for fun.
Parents with any school aged child, regardless of age, recognize that not all teachable lessons can be learned from textbooks alone.
Some of the best lessons in life are learned outside the textbook, even outside the classroom.
Below are five lessons that can be gained from constructing crafts for sale.
The value of producing items by hand.
This includes the feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from a job well done.
As well as the feeling of satisfaction from a happy customer who is pleased with all of your hard earned efforts.
The monetary value involved.
This includes the gathering of supplies needed, which ideally should be done at the most cost-efficient price.
(May include shopping with coupons or purchasing items on sale.
) Also, this lesson teaches careful use of supplies that are purchased, for the least amount of wasted materials.
Included too, is also the actual selling process where money is exchanged is another monetary lesson that can be gained.
The lesson of supply versus demand.
This lesson teaches the importance of making smart decisions with your initial investment in supplies.
Determining how many items can be produced affordably versus how many are selling.
The hard, but wise lesson of learning what is best to do with the hard-earned profits? This can even be a difficult decision for parents too.
Do we save the money earned? Do we spend the money earned? Or do we reinvest the profit back into the project? 5.
The interaction with customers teaches children a "business sense" that will serve in years to come.
When you produce an item by hand, only you can truly determine the dollar value of it.
There will always be two situations to arise.
Someone either accepts the value of the item for a fair price or someone will try to negotiate your price.
Most children and teens are quick to learn when presented with a broad spectrum project.
A craft that has many variables and is able to reach a wide range of customers is best suited for teaching many lessons in life.
Also, crafts that sell quickly without much advertising and labor intensive marketing are just fun to produce.
The time to begin any project from start to finish should also be taken into consideration when looking for crafts that produce profits and teach lessons.
Finding that perfect craft that teaches many other lessons than "just for fun" can be very rewarding.
As the profits are earned from everyone's efforts of working together, many parents will quickly find eager and willing students of all ages.
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