Are you a newlywed couple looking to buy their first home? Maybe you are a life long renter and are finally in a solid enough financial situation to be able to purchase your dream home? Well if that is the case, there are a few things you should know in order to avoid home buyer problems. Follow these tips and you will find the process to go smooth and problem free.
a) Search for and find a real estate agent who is on the same page with you. Buying a home is not only a huge financial commitment, but it can also be an emotional one too. It's imperative that you choose an agent who is not only in tune with the market, but also a match to your personality.
b) Be aware that there is no perfect time to purchase, just as there is no right time to sell. If you find a home that you love, don't try too think to much about the housing market or current interest rates. It's not worth it to lose out on the home of your dreams. The market normally won't change fast enough to make much of a difference in the price anyways, and a decent home will not wait for you on the market for long. If the home is right for you, then you need to jump in and make that commitment.
c) Don't be looking for too many opinions. It's perfectly normal to search for reassurance with a big decision like this, but listening to ideas from too many people will only make your decision that much more difficult. You should only focus on the needs of yourself and your family.
d) Realize and accept that no home is going to be perfect. If you love the location, you may find the garage to be slightly smaller that you were hoping for. The bathroom may be perfect, but the kitchen appliances may need to be replaced. Make a list of the positives and the negatives and focus on your priorities. Let the insignificant ones go.
e) You don't need to be a cut throat negotiator. Successfully negotiating is a two-way game that includes give and take. It is definitely a good skill to have, but trying to get the rock bottom price by refusing to be flexible with your offer could cost you the house which you so strongly desire.
f) Don't forget about the home's location and surrounding amenities. If you get to caught up in all of the physical aspects of the home (bedroom size, number of bathrooms) itself and you forget about other issues such as closeness to schools, grocery stores, libraries, as well as things like noise levels, and proximity to neighbors, you may find that these other aspects of the home could have a negative impact on the quality of your life.
g) Make plans well in advance. Research home insurance, and get approved for a mortgage before you've found a home. A seller might not look fondly on your offer if it is contingent on several unresolved issues.
h) Don't forget to count repair and maintenance costs in your after-home purchase budget. Even when buying a new house, there will always be extra costs.
i) Realize that you will have moments of buyer's remorse but know that it will most likely pass. A home purchase can be a huge cost, but it also has so many wonderful benefits. Don't forget about all of the positives and why you loved this property in the first place.
Follow these guidelines to make the purchase of your first home a smooth and hassle free process.