Spider mites are small insects that look like spiders (if you see them through a magnifying glass).
In fact, they are part of the arachnid family.
They have eight legs and an antennae.
The underside of plants leaves is where they lay their eggs.
Many species of spider mites exists, and almost all of them are destructive to your plants.
Large-scale farming operations often rely on powerful pesticides to get rid of their spider mite problem.
Home gardeners can and should use more natural and safe ways of protecting their gardening plants from this destructive garden pest.
Often you can identify spider mites before you see them.
They are no larger than a tiny spec to the naked eye, and leave thin webbing on plants.
To verify they are on your plants use a magnifying glass and look for moving dots in red, brown or green.
Those mobile dots are spider mites.
Natural solutions For those of you who prefer a natural and safe solution to these garden pests, there are natural predators that feed on spider mites.
These include ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory mites to name a few.
You can buy these good insects at a local gardening shop and spread them onto you plants.
Even if you do not have a problem now it is still useful to have them hanging around your garden as a preventive measure.
Dry and arid conditions are where spider mites thrive.
Their natural enemies prefer wet, damp conditions.
So, if you choose to use these good insects to get rid of them, give a gentle leaf spraying of your infected plants to encourage the good bugs to stick around.
A powerful blast of water can disrupt the life cycle of the mites, because the water can remove their eggs from beneath the plant leaves.
Do not use this water spraying method if you have recently put natural predators onto your plants.
By doing so you could remove them from the plant and send them looking for a new home.
Safer organic pesticides for spider mite removal Insectical soap: Avoiding applying during the hottest part of summer since it can burn tender leaves and foliage.
Bonide Hot Pepper wax: Dormant oil: This formula is specifically used to ill different kinds of mites, bugs and other insects that go after woody-stemmed plants and trees.
This oil not only kills the insect it also kills the larvae so future generations multiply.
These pesticides are safer but can bee slightly poisonous to birds, fish, bees and humans.
Use then with care and always follow the labels instructions.
Sulfur powder may also be used to kill spider mites and it also help to erase any fungus problem your plant may have.
Keep an eye open for spider mites whenever you are gardening.
Frequent light watering of your plant will make them less attractive to spider mites.
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