Society & Culture & Entertainment Draw & Paint & Comics & Animation

How to Chart Descendants

    Diagram Chart

    • 1). Sketch the basic layout of the descendant chart lightly with a pencil. The oldest ancestors will be at the top, with subsequent generations flowing down toward the bottom of the paper. Leave enough space for each child and their spouses in the descendant generations.

    • 2). Draw a blue rectangle about 3 inches by 2 inches at the top of the page. Draw a red circle about 2 1/2 inches in diameter to the right of the square. Write information about the male ancestor whose descendants you are charting in the blue rectangle. Include his name, date of birth and date of death. Write information about the male ancestor's wife in the red circle. Include her name, date of birth and date of death.

    • 3). Draw a horizontal line connecting the rectangle and circle. Use a ruler to make the line straight. This line designates that the pair were married. Write the date of marriage above the horizontal line if you wish.

    • 4). Draw a vertical line extending down from the horizontal line. Draw a long horizontal line at the bottom of the vertical line. Make this line as long as necessary to cover all of the children of the starting couple.

    • 5). Add a blue rectangle for each of the male children and a red circle for each of the female children under the horizontal line. Connect each rectangle and circle to the horizontal line with a small vertical hash mark. List the children in order of their birth, with the oldest child on the left and the youngest child on the right. Leave adequate space to the right of each child to add a spouse. Write the name, birth date and death date for each child in the rectangles and circles.

    • 6). Add blue rectangles and red circles next to each child to depict their spouses. Write in the pertinent information about each spouse, and draw a horizontal line between each married couple.

    • 7). Add vertical lines extending from each horizontal line that signifies a marriage. Continue the process of adding children, spouses and subsequent generations in the same manner as the first generation. You may need to stagger some of the generations to make them fit on one page.

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