If you pay attention to politically-driven conversations (especially this year, with the elections heating up all across the country), one thing you are definitely going to notice is that the state of the environment is a hot topic of discussion; as great as this seems, on the surface, it would be, however, a closer examination will reveal that this "discussion" is rarely one that explores all the different things we can do to make the planet a safer place to live, but is instead a debate surrounding how bad the state of the planet is, and whether or not we actually need to do anything to make it a better place.
If you have ever discovered that you have felt frustrated that this is the case, you will want to realize that there are actually things you yourself can do to make a difference.
For starters, you are going to want to realize - and acknowledge to yourself - that doing the "little things" in your own life, and in your own home, truly can make a difference in the big picture of the planet.
In other words, you can start turning off the water when you brush your teeth (instead of leaving it running) in order to conserve water; you can unplug appliances when they are not in use, in order to bleed less electricity; you can filter your own water, rather than buying bottled water, in order to use less plastic.
The list, truly - of all the things you can do to make the planet a better place - goes on and on, and all you need to do is focus on doing some of these things yourself.
After you have found yourself in a place where you are in the habit of doing these little things yourself, you will also want to start encouraging others to do the same! Of course, as you encourage others to do the same, you will encounter some who contend that the planet is not in bad shape at all, and there is no reason for us to worry.
But remind them: whether you believe the planet is in a poor position or not, we all should be doing what we can to leave it better than we found it! And lastly, realize that corporations have more power than any individual person has - but as individuals, we have the ability to choose which corporations we will give money to! Get to a place where you are in the habit of shopping strategically - making consumer decisions that lead the planet into a better position than it is currently in - and the corporations that are not on board will be sure to start paying attention.
As the old saying goes, after all: "Money talks!" There are so many things we can do on our own to make the planet a better place - and each of us has a responsibility to do these things ourselves - so get on board in your own life, and bring others with you, and we can start truly making a difference!
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