It is always nice when you can get a second opinion on things. When you go doctor and they diagnose an illness you want a second opinion, when you try on an outfit for a special occasion you want a second opinion, so when you design your own website wouldnt you want a second opinion too Sure you would, but instead of going through the hassle of asking friends and family or asking on your website, here are some things that visitors of your site are looking at.
The first thing that really turns people away from a website is the sites navigation. Look at your site is it simple for a visitor to find what they want One thing you should do is make the menu on the top of the page so people can click on what they need right away and make sure that if the menu is at the top of the page on the home menu it should be that way throughout every page.
The signup of visitors should be an easy process. If people need to signup for your site to get a free newsletter or something like that make sure the signup is easy. Dont make it so the password has to be 12 letters and numbers with a symbol both uppercase and lowercase, that makes it too complicated to remember and people will get frustrated if they make one error and have to keep doing it over and over again.
Make sure that what your visitor has to read in the website makes sense and is simple to read. Dont make it so the ideas that are written on the page are all over, you want to be able to make the words flow together well. One good idea too is to use a bold title that stands out before the paragraph so people will know what the paragraph will be about.
Another thing people look for is a security seal to make sure that their information is safe on your site. No one wants to be a victim of identity fraud. Another way for them to know the site is credible is to add a picture of yourself.
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