Eliminate Weeds From Your Garden with Resolva Anyone who is tired of battling weeds in their lawn and garden should consider trying Resolva.
Weeds can mar the beauty of an unbroken lawn of lush, green grass.
They choke out your lovely flowers; spread like wildfire and make your gardens look neglected and pitiful.
However, all of that can quickly become a thing of the past with the help of Resolva.
This unique weed killer is fast acting and effective.
While other weed killers take days to work, this one kills the dandelion or other unsightly intruder in a mere 24 hours.
And while others only kill the growth above the surface, Resolva works deep to kill the root so that the weed will never rear its ugly head and stem again.
How many times have you pulled a weed by hand, digging and digging until you were sure you had the root and yet the spindly little intruder has returned within mere weeks? Resolva moves throughout the entire enemy, neutralizing the foliage, and roots, and the stem so that the weed will never again resurrect itself.
Many areas deal with the trials and challenges of having hard water.
For the gardener, hard water can reduce the effectiveness of many weed killers.
That is why Resolva is designed to be 100% effective, no matter what the condition of the local water supply is.
This weed annihilator uses glyphosate, a broad-spectrum herbicide, along with a burn down herbicide.
Not only will the plant die within the first day, but during the following days it will shrivel up to nothing, never to encroach on your garden again.
Best of all, Resolva will not actually damage the soil.
The same spot that was previously home to nothing but unsightly dandelions can now be the prime spot for your petunias and marigolds.
Resolva will eliminate and control the encroachment of common nettle, and thistle in your gardens.
Both of these weeds are particularly troublesome due to the depth and strength of their root systems.
Thistle has the added challenge of being a particularly prolific seeder.
Broad-leaved dock grows quickly, and Resolva is most effectively used to kill this by soaking the leaves when they are 10-15 cm long.
Dandelions and Rosebay Willowherb are also no match for this weed killer.
Common couch has the strength of underground rhizomes, making it a gardener's worst nightmare for eliminating.
However, Resolva will kill even this pesky weed.
Spray the grass when it has at least 3 leaves and is 15 cm in length.
Cleavers have the obnoxious habit of growing up through other plants.
Take care with the spray as it can drift onto your favorite rose bush and cause damage.
There is one important thing to remember when you use Resolva weed killer; weeds growing in the grass should not be sprayed unless you are willing to kill your grass along with them.
However, weeds growing in the garden where they can be sprayed, and especially on concrete and walking areas can be easily treated and eliminated.
With Resolva you will never again have to fight an uphill battle against weeds.
Instead you can fight a quick, easy battle which you will win every time.