Ask any network marketer and the biggest pain in the butt they endure is cold calling prospects on the phone.
It can be frustrating, humiliating and causes huge numbers of new recruits to quit.
Now imagine your prospects calling you, asking for more detail on your business and begging to work with you.
Here is how to make it real...
Be Visible.
If you want to attract a horde of new recruits they have to be able to find you.
You want to branded far and wide and the internet will give you all the help you need.
Start with a blog.
This is where you advertise yourself, what you stand for and how knowledgeable you are in the MLM field.
After that create a whole string of web real estate.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, there are a million sites where you can insert your own pages and profile.
The more sites you take on, the more people will find you.
Advertise Your Solution.
The internet is full of sites offering make money schemes.
It is hardly surprising that MLM gets such a bad name when tricksters try to dress up illegal pyramid frauds as legitimate networks.
So go against the grain.
Don't advertise your primary opportunity and become part of the noise.
Instead offer sound advice, tips and training for people already in an MLM or looking to join one.
You will be a breath of fresh air and attract a stream of prospects desperate for your help.
The time to offer your opportunity is once they have seen what you do and grown to like and trust you.
You will not have to call them they will hunt you down dying to work with you.
Offer A Plan.
One of the biggest reasons for new recruits quitting their company is from lack of direction.
After the fancy company presentation or movie and the motivational talk from their sponsor they are left to fend for themselves.
No action plan, no training, no support.
It is like the blind leading the blind.
New recruits need direction, especially in their first 90 days.
So again go against the grain.
Formulate a full 90 day plan.
Where to advertise, how to prospect, when to pitch the business.
95% of marketers fail to do it and their businesses crumble.
Your prospects are probably coming from jobs.
They are used to being told what to do and will feel much more comfortable starting their own business when they have clear instruction.
So there you go 3 simple success tactics.
Put these in place and you will be playing on the same field as the 5% of top marketers who actually make money each month and whose businesses are growing.
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