If there's one task that challenges IT consultants its finding publicity that's worth their time.
Even more difficult is to find those opportunities that will help you promote and subsequently sell your book.
Yes, I believe that every IT consultant should have written their own book, because there are very few ways to market you're business and build credibility at the same time.
So with that said, let's get started; oPress Releases - don't just release them one at a time to the media, instead it's a better strategy if you plan on doing a series of 2-3 press releases over a 30 - 60 days.
You can make each press release about the same book, or coaching program but you need make them a little different in content.
Each press release can make the same offer but must be from a different point of view, anything so long at its news worthy.
oCreate A Contest - almost any contest that can be tied into a current event will instantly gain the attention of the media.
Depending on the details; if it's a local event you can definitely depend on print publicity, the winner need only win your book.
oRemnant Newspaper Space - be willing to contribute or write an article that will fill in that unused space in the paper.
It's wise to write about a community event or social condition; however some of this space may be quite small, no bigger than a couple of sentences.
Just make sure you give value and have room for the by line.
Where you list yourself as the author of a book.
oInterview A Community Leader - if you're willing to help someone else receive well deserved attention than you can and will benefit as well.
An example would be to speak to a newly promoted plant manager about some of the changes that are going top affect the community.
Than write an article with your by line in it and submit it to the newspaper with a mention of your book and where they can get a copy of it.
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