Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages

The Impact Of Indian Culture On Indian Languages

India is a country of rich and diverse cultures. In fact very few countries in the world have such an ancient and diverse culture like India. The culture of India has been shaped up by its long history, ancient civilization, absorption of customs and traditions, physical, climatic, racial and linguistic diversity. But underneath of this diversity lies the Indian culture and Indian language. Indian culture has a high level of tolerance and secular. The history and culture of India has been bound up with the geographic nature of this vast subcontinent.

India has number of religions, number of states, number of cuisines and number of art forms. Religion is central to the Indian culture and its practice can be seen every aspect of life. Most of the religions have a strong connection with India. People of all religions can find in India. The main religions are Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism and Zoroastrianism. There are many religions; many pilgrimages and many traditions in India but the people are united. There is diversity in languages also. There are over 200 languages in India with more than thousand dialects. This gives good scope for Indian language translation service. The main official languages are Hindi and English used for communication by the government other than the local language. The diversity of Indian culture is expressed through its dance forms and languages. Indian languages, art, architecture and literature were shaped by diverse influences.

The diversity in languages in India makes it difficult for the people of different places to understand each other and its rich culture. Indian literature is very old and rich. Since India is a multilingual country, the rich heritage and multicultural population give a special importance to the field of Indian language translation. It plays a crucial role in Indian culture. Indian language translation service involving the exchange of thoughts expressed in one Indian language to another Indian language without losing its original meaning.

The process of exchanging cultural elements through literary Indian languages translation is a complicated job. Indian culture is a very complex collection of experiences of history, religion traditional customs and social structure. Only an experienced Indian languages translator with god knowledge of the subject matter can transmit the special cultural quality from one language to another. The Indian languages translator must have awareness of the history and culture of the own language as well as the target language culture. Indian language translation is an intellectual activity and the complete involvement of the Indian languages translator is required in the process of translation. Only an Indian language translator can transmit the culture and traditions and values of from one language to another. The entire synergy of the Indian language translators comes out while translating and sometimes the translated piece become better than the original. In the process of Indian languages translation, cultural background and history unite the two languages.

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