Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Foundation Repair -Methods

Foundation of a house is the most important part of a house. It is a primary structural element that provides a firm base for a house. It carries the complete weight of a house and all its contents. So it is absolutely necessary that you keep a regular check on the foundation of your house. At times, due to moisture seepage into the foundation walls of a building, cracks take place. These cracks need immediate repair or else they can lead to severe structural damage.

Foundation failure can be identified through cracks on the wall, stuffed floors and doors that are difficult to be closed. Severe shrinkage of the soil underneath the foundation can lead to distortion of the frame that is located on the top. This article will discuss the probable methods of foundation repair.

Patching - Foundation damage usually starts with something as minute as a crack on the wall. This generally occurs due to the shifting of earth underneath or freezing of the ground. If immediate action is not taken to mend this crack, it can enlarge and give way to moisture seepage. This can aggravate the condition. Cracks on foundation walls are generally repaired with the help of injection ports. They make it easier to seal the cracks.

Slabjacking - Faulty construction of foundation can make it tilt in one direction. This can lead to a serious structural damage to your house. The most efficient way to deal with this problem is slabjacking that causes the concrete slab to flat back into its proper position. A contractor usually drills holes into the slab and jot in a chemical that will turn into polyurethane foam. The process works as the foam expands and causes the slab to shift to its ideal position.

Piering - This meth0od of foundation repair incorporates excavation of the affected area of foundation. Piers are positioned at some of the key zones beneath the foundation wherever there is a need for support. This leads to hydraulic lifting of your house and simultaneous locking of the piers into their respective positions. Hydraulic cement is then inserted into the shaft of a pier to make it stronger. The excavated earth is then backfilled and compressed against the wall.

It is absolutely necessary to hire a professional contractor in regards to foundation repair. Baltimore has several building contractors who offer proficient services relate to building constructions and repairs.

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