- 1). Drive three stakes about 3 feet apart at each corner of the foundation at ground level. The stakes form an L shape on the outside of the corner with the center stake at the point of the corner. Nail boards between the stakes to complete the L shape.
- 2). Run a carpenter's string from frame to frame at the corners. Place the string at the appropriate place on the board of the L-shaped brace so the line is directly over the planned placement of the outside of the block wall. Place these strings along all walls of the basement. Drop a plumb line from the intersection of two strings at a corner. This marks the point of the outside of that corner of the foundation.
- 3). Place 1 inch of mortar at the location the corner block will be placed. Place the block on the mortar and position the block to the proper height and position. The corner of the block should be exactly under the intersection of the strings placed in Step 2. Press the block into the mortar until a 1/2-inch mortar seam exists between the footing and the block. Repeat the process of placing a corner block at the opposite corner of the basement.
- 4). Stretch a string from the outside top of one corner block to the outside top of the other corner block. Spread 1 inch of mortar on the footing. Add mortar to the end of the new block that will abut the corner block. Place the block in place so the top outside edge touches the string. Continue to add blocks until the entire course between the corner blocks is filled.
- 5). Place a corner block for the next segment of basement wall following the above instructions and fill in the first course of that wall. Continue around the wall until the first course of blocks is placed for the entire wall.
- 6). Start a second course at a corner by placing a block over the joint of the corner. Place the block carefully before going to an adjacent corner and placing a block. Run a string from the outside top edge of one corner block to the other. Add blocks between the corners before working on other walls of the basement.
- 7). Continue adding courses of block following the same procedure until the planned height of the basement walls are reached.
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