Solar Panels Costs
Solar panels are nifty pieces of devices. The first thing a customer would like to know is how much would it actually cost them? Well, ignoring what everyone has to say is the first step to finding that out. Solar Panel Systems are a big project to start with. Do not start thinking that they are literally being sold for free. They are a heavy investment and results will not be visible within a short period of. Solar Panels Systems prove to be best for those who have foresight of future savings which will occur. It is an investment for the long-term and for most, once that is pretty heavy to maintain.
The cost of your solar panels system depends on the following factors. Firstly, the type of solar panel system used. Secondly, the place of installation whether you are getting Roof Mounted Panels or Ground Mounted ones and thirdly the current rate per wattin your specified country. Therefore, if you have a solar panel system made from any DIY kits and/or sources the cost of your system will generally be lower than that bought from the market or manufacturer. Since you are the main asset building your own solar panel, the costs are reasonably lower and the installation charges have also been discarded.
If you are situated in Great Britain for instance, having solar roof panels can cost you anywhere from 6000-12000 to purchase and install. Ground Mounted and /or tiles will cost you slightly more since they have to positioned and installed in a different manner. Roof Mounted Panels and Tiles offer you exceptional performance and production of power because they are easily placed in a south-facing direction to capture maximum sunlight. The tariff per watt has increased to 42.5p and homeowners will be paid 41.3p for every unit of power they generate and re-route to their power grid.
In American, the costs vary depending upon your geographical position as well. For example, the cost of an individual living in Arizona and purchasing 4-5 Roof Mounted Panels or 3 Roof Solar Roof Tiles is going to be less than the individual living in Illinois who not only will have to purchase more tiles or panels for the same amount of power production but will also have to have these installed in such a manner where they benefit him/her the most. Thereby an average Solar Panel System can cost you anywhere in the range of $350-$1500. Similarly the charge per watt is approximately $3-$4; alternatively the electric company will pay you $2.75 per unit produced.
Prices vary and change also due to inflation costs, however, it is beneficial to start off with a smaller sized Solar Roof Panel System and see how much power is produced. If your solar panel system is producing more power than can be used you can easily look to expand your system because in the long run you know it will benefit you. Whatever the case, your electric bill will be cut back by at least 18%-20%.
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