Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Repair a Faucet at Home

    • 1
      Water shut-off valves vary in appearance.older valve image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.com

      Turn off the water to the faucet you're working on by closing the shut-off valves located in the cabinet under the sink or at the wall. These are small handles at the bottom of the water pipes. Be sure to turn off both the hot and cold sides.

    • 2). Pry up the plastic cap and/or unscrew the handle. Depending on the type of faucet, this may be done by loosening a small set screw. This set screw is often found behind a small rubber plug with the manufacturer's logo on it.

    • 3). Remove the handle and you will see the seat or cartridge. These parts are comprised of gaskets, small brass or plastic valves or brass parts. There might even be a small spring or two. This is the part the handle actually manipulates to turn the water off or on.

    • 4). Lift the cartridge straight out--it may need some encouragement. If it doesn't come out with a little pressure you may need to back it out (unscrew it) with channel lock pliers. Put masking tape around the part of the pliers that come in contact with the parts. This will provide extra protection against scratching or marring the finish on your faucet.

      Remember exactly how everything comes apart as you disassemble the faucet. You might consider taking a picture to refer to when you put it back together.

    • 5). Jot down the name and model of your faucet and, armed with your picture and parts, head to the hardware store. The plumbing specialist should be able to identify which parts you need. If your hardware store doesn't have a plumbing specialist, buy the complete repair kit that either matches or is compatible with the brand you have. These are usually in small plastic bags and you can visually compare them if you have your old parts with you.

    • 6). Open the new repair kit when you return home; there should be instructions in the package. Look at your old parts, and substitute them with new parts that match. If the instructions are clear, replace any gaskets or rings that might still be down in the faucet with the new ones. The old ones are easily removed with your screwdriver. As long as you replace everything you take out, don't worry about any extra pieces in the bag. Generic repair kits are made to accommodate faucet variations.

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