Despite the medical establishment's best efforts, the hoped for cure for cancer is still far away. The anticipated increase in life expectancy for patients using conventional treatments is close to zero.
A woman facing breast cancer today has no better chance for recovery than she did in 1920. Chemotherapy and radiation have failed as healing modalities.
Studies show that 38% of all disease related deaths in America are the result of cancers, and the number is expected to grow.
Yet, there is a means of preventing cancer that is largely ignored by our society. That prevention is to be found in whole, unrefined food.
The anti-cancer diet, as recommended by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in his best selling book, Eat To Live [], is based on consuming foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, and fiber. The foods that best meet this requirement are vegetables and fruits.
Below are listed six steps that you can take to design an anti-cancer diet and prevent and possibly even reverse disease.
The Five Components of the Anti-Cancer Diet
1. Avoid all animal products - This includes all meat, dairy, eggs, fish and fowl. Cutting back on your intake of animal foods will not suffice. Studies of populations throughout the world have shown that as a nation diminishes it's consumption of animal products there is a corresponding decrease in the incidence of cancer.
Animal products do not contain phytochemicals, antioxidants, fiber or other anti-cancer nutrients. Instead they are high in cholesterol and saturated fat and pose a serious health risk.
2. Avoid all refined and processed foods. This means no cakes, cookies, candies, white flour pasta or white bread.
Epidemiological evidence supports the direct association between simple carbohydrates and risk of colon cancer. There is a particularly heightened risk when a diet high in refined carbohydrates is associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
3. Avoid refined vegetable oils. I used to think olive oil was a health food. I was wrong. Olive oil is 100% fat and offers no nutritional value.
4. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, seeds and nuts. Make salad your main dish. Try to consume two big salads a day.
Cruciferous vegetables (the cabbage and broccoli family) are simply the most powerful weapon against all forms of cancer and especially colorectal cancer.
Steamed vegetables in general are an excellent source of phytochemicals and cancer fighting anti-oxidants. Try to eat a pound of cooked vegetables each day.
5. Eat at least five pieces of fresh fruit daily.
6. Exercise - Try to get in at least 3 hours a week. I find that going out for a half hour morning walk is a great way to start the day.
By adopting this anti-cancer diet you will add "years to your life and life to years."
If you or a loved one are concerned about preventing, treating, or even reversing cancer and are open to exploring a dietary healing approach, visit our website: []