Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

What Pattern A Magento Storeowner Should Adopt For Mobile Ecommerce?

Few years back no one could imagine that one-day ecommerce from mobile point of view will attain high priority for Magento store merchants. Nowadays if we look our daily life then we see technology rampant everywhere, amongst them a cellular phone is a prominent gadget, later on it transformed into tablets and smart phones. Recently eMarketer revealed that nearly eighteen percent of retailers are generating revenue worth fifty billion dollars through smart phones and tablets. It means online merchandisers should not only target customers for conventional ecommerce but also for mobile ecommerce. Now that smart phones and tablets have evolved in the market, only those techniques and strategies are operational which are supportive to mobile users.

Previously Magento Store merchants used to set their conversion funnel according desktop users only, but now it is the necessity of time that tempted them to add the aspect of mobile in their plans. Over few years, growth in the number of mobile users indicates that Magento shop-owners should address mobile web-surfers on priority basis. There is no pact size of smart devices, so a marketer has to cater every screen size user, because a wise merchant never takes a single consumer for granted.

In order to know the trend of a mobile surfer, it is imperative to know about the interests of Smartphone users.  For that reason, researchers categorize the interests of cellular phone users with three patterns; owners can utilize such approach for sake of management of mobile internet-surfers.
  • Previously several ecommerce sites used to prefer s.domain (standalone design) sites, in which server detects the mobile device, later on it redirects to mobile version of site.
  • A different concept from above is the adaptive manner of web design, the devices like Smartphones, tablets and desktop computers can provide distinguishing experience by sending different HTML & CSS codes on these devices.
  • The final concept deals with responsiveness of web design (RWD), it primly concentrates on the size and dimensions of design. It has nothing to do with the kind of mobile device used for that purpose, it also deals with the manner in which design is presented to viewers.
  • On logical basis, the (RWD) is extensively appraised concept of management for the following reasons:
  • RWD is provides one solution fit for all sizes. The concept negates the overhead of establishing multiple pages for same purpose by using a common URL for pages, which have same purpose. The design also allows a Magneto storeowner to assign priority to calls-to-action and content on the dimensions of web-browser.
  • Another reason is that search engines like Google, Bing etc. consider responsive pattern of design for mobile sites.
  • The approach is likely to be used in future due friendliness that makes the design long lasting as it can be used for differently sized devices.


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