Penny stocks are generally thought to be any stock sold for under a dollar and not listed on a significant stock exchange. These are an investment that has made people enormous amounts of money. Fortunes have been created using this kind of stock. And the reason is no secret. The low price per share for any penny stock allows for the greatest percentage increase possible.
If an individual were to put money into shares of stock to the New York Stock Exchange which are selling for $50, then to be able to see a gain of 20%, the stock must go up in price to $60. That it's $10 increase and tough even in the bull market. A penny stock selling at 50 cents would only need to increase to 60 cents. There is far less resistance to this sort of price movement. The truth is, for a stock selling under a dollar, it is far easier to double in price than anything listed on the NYSE. And doubling in price is simply scratching the surface. There are stocks who have increased in value by a thousand percent.
The money is there to be made, but you need to use a system to offer you guidelines to find the stocks most likely to boost in value. The quantity of penny stocks that are available to invest in is too large to work with. You should have a plan of attack.
Penny Stock Egghead
This is an expert stock picking service that will do all of the work for you in exchange for the subscription fee. It's no different from services for stocks listed on the NYSE, but in this instance, its for stocks that people are not paying much attention to. When the word begins to spread on a good penny stock, you will already have a position. Stock picks for the more traditional stocks on the NYSE usually are too little too late.
The service provided by penny stock egghead isn't a get rich scam created by an unknown person or group of people. This investment service has been created by a man named Nathan Gold who has his reputation on the line along with his product. His picks are not at all times plentiful. He does his research to guarantee you are getting the top available penny stock to invest in. The basic idea behind the service is to find one outstanding stock to trade each week.
Nathan Gold spends a lot of time on the basics of stock picking as they relate to company. Although this is common with larger corporations, most who sell their picks for penny stocks do not bother with it. As soon as you sign up with his service you will not only be getting the best penny stock picks available, but Nathan also has a guide that's included along with his service. This guide explains the way to set up an account with a broker and make a trade with penny stocks.
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