Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How To Use Article Directories To Increase Your Website Traffic

There is a lot of information on the internet with much of it being archived in text form. As the search engines are looking for sites with good content, what matters to them is text. If your site is light on the text side, it likely will not earn a high ranking amongst other sites of the same subject. Equally, if your site is abundant in textual content, but it's just thrown together, you will probably suffer in the rankings, also.

This is where private label articles come into the picture. PLA's are groups of articles consisting of wide categories which you can purchase from someone who wholesales articles. Quite often, you have a choice of either buying a monthly subscription and having large amounts of these articles emailed to you, or you are provided a link where you can go to download the articles, usually in zip format. You can also do a one-off purchase of groups of articles.

For the majority of the time, the articles that you will receive have been optimized with keywords that are properly arranged. They will have been written in correct grammar, well-focused, and using correct spelling. The main thing being that they are yours to do with as you please. The articles that you have bought will come with all rights to the use of the articles, and you may change them in whatever way you wish. You are permitted to add or delete content as well as put your name to them as the author.

After you have picked the most appropriate keywords for your web site and your method of sales, you are able to put spread private label articles on your website. By using the optimized keywords in the right places, your rank on the major search engines should start to climb.

How About Using Free Articles?

I'm sure you've seen some article directories that allow you to download as much content to use on your website as you want. The only requirement is for you to leave the resource box with the author's information and links in it, unchanged.

These articles can be used for free. Monetarily free, that is. They will however cost you in other ways. You might lose some of your prestige, customers, and sales. If you only use a couple of these articles from subject matter experts, you shouldn't have any problems. If the only thing that you use is nothing but free giveaway articles, you are giving the wrong impression. Specifically, you are sending the message to your customers that you are not very knowledgeable in the subject to be able to compose articles that are your own.

Besides, you are giving everyone who stops by your website a quick way out and onto your competitor's site. All they have to do is click the link in the author's resource box. If the article is good enough to capture your attention, most likely it will keep your customer's attention enough so that they will search specifically for that author.

You won't even know that those resource boxes are stealing your sales and your customers along with them- right under your nose.

Other Things That Can Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

If you use the article directory method and combine it with using private label articles your rankings should increase in the search engines. This is the way that others do it. Most articles that are submitted to article directories are accepted as long as they are written in accordance with the guidelines of the article directory. Ensure that you give your private label articles that you have written under your name, with your resource box, to the article directory as well.

The first thing that happens is this creates yet another link to your web site from the article directories. Every time the search engines find another link to your website, your ranking is boosted just a little more. The can be very beneficial if you ensure that your link contains your keywords. Since you are able to create the author's box as you want to, you can make sure to use the keywords that you want to.

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