Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

5 Easy Ways to Eliminate Dog Chewing Problems

All puppies chew, however some are just downright destructive.
With some dogs it seems like no matter how many toys they have they still manage to chew something that's a no-no.
Correcting your dog's chewing problems at an early age is the best way to prevent potential disasters later.
By following a few simple steps, you can eliminate dog chewing problems overnight and have a happier, less stressful relationship with your pup.
Provide a variety of different toys to eliminate dog chewing problems.
Just like kids, dogs also get bored playing with the same toy all of the time.
A good method for keeping your dog entertained is "swapping" toys daily.
Keep a container full of toys for your dog, and give him a different selection daily.
This helps to keep your dog from getting bored with his toys.
Kong makes a great selection of treat toys that will keep your dog occupied for hours.
To avoid dog chewing problems, don't give your dog something that you won't want him to chew on later.
Many people make the mistake of giving their dog something inappropriate to chew on.
Perhaps you have an old shoe and decide to give it to your dog to play with.
It doesn't matter if he destroys it because it's old, right? Wrong.
Dogs can't distinguish between an old shoe and a new one, so it's best not to confuse them by allowing them to play with one and not the other.
"Drop It!" This is a very beneficial command to teach your dog when trying to correct dog chewing problems.
All dogs pick up something they're not allowed to have and enjoy having you chase them around the house to get it back.
Then, when you finally catch up to your pooch, you're trying to wrestle that precious item out of his mouth.
With a properly trained dog, using the "drop it" command will produce the desired action and eliminate that mad dash chase of your dog.
Correct your dog early on for his dog chewing problems, and training will be much easier.
Everyone thinks it's so cute when your little puppy picks up your son's favorite stuffed animal and starts playing with it.
It may seem harmless at the time, but some day soon that puppy won't be so little and that favorite stuffed animal could be destroyed in seconds.
If your dog attempts to chew on something that is a no-no, correct him with a Firm NO and immediately give him a toy that he's allowed to have.
Praise often when training to correct dog chewing problems.
If you tell your dog "no" or "drop it" and he obeys, then he deserves praise.
Getting into the habit of praising your dog whenever he obeys your commands will make all of your training easier.
Dogs thrive on attention, affection and praise and when they are able to associate these with training commands your success will be much easier.
Correcting dog chewing problems requires patience and consistency; however, following the steps listed can make your training successful almost overnight.
Mistakes do happen, so remember to keep your cool and remain positive in your quest to eliminate dog chewing problems.

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