When you have multiple devices drawing power from the same or adjacent power sources, you probably have a hard time managing the long and tangled lines of wires and cables that emerge from them.
In the office, you may have your computers, printers, copiers, scanners, projection devices, speakers etc with their own set of wires, while at home your entertainment center with its multiple audio and video appliances have multiple cables.
This projects an untidy, disorganized look and serves as a collection point for dust and debris, making it a hygiene and fire hazard.
Apart from this, it is also likely to cause accidents when people trip over these loose wires and cables.
Additionally, when repairs are called for, you may find it impossible to locate the correct cable in the confusion.
The answer to these problems is a good wire or cable management system which consists of suitable holes made in your desk or counter tops in the work place and in counter tops and shelving and cabinetry at home.
These holes however may have sharp edges which can result in wires and cables getting frayed and split due to repeated abrasion.
Hence fitting a good quality desk grommet is the solution.
The grommet is a device that can be fitted into the hole and it lines the hole completely so that the cables can easily pass through a smooth surface.
When the desk or counter is not being used, the grommet has a flip-top which can be snapped shut to prevent entry of dust and dirt and provide a neat look to your furniture.
Desk grommets are manufactured in a variety of materials which include metals in different textures and finishes, plastics and also rubber and rubber compounds.
Metal finishes can be purchased to match your interior décor style and they're also very hard-wearing, provide a smooth and shiny surface that prevents wires and cables from getting stuck to the sides of the hole.
They can also be designed to fit flush with the desk top which gives a very neat and professional look.
Fitting and removing metal and plastic desk grommets may involve the use of power tools.
Materials like rubber and silicone are flexible hence you can vary their size a little as compared to the exact dimensions of the hole.
Currently a new trend in desk grommets is to have USB hubs and smart phone docks on the grommet itself, which allows your devices to be charged while you're working.
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