Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Early Signs of Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy


    • Bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage in early pregnancy, but is not definitive. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 20 to 30 percent of patients have some kind of vaginal bleeding in the first trimester. Patients that are having bleeding are typically told not to insert anything into the vagina and to wear a pad or panty liner to monitor the amount and kind of bleeding the patient is having. Make sure that you contact your doctor, if you have any vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.


    • Cramping in very low in the abdomen and is usually stronger than that of a normal menstrual cycle can indicate a miscarriage. If you are feeling strong cramping, contact your doctor and rest with your feet up until you can get into see the doctor. Severe cramping does not always mean miscarriage, this is why it is important to contact a doctor when there is severe cramping.

    Passing Tissue

    • If tissue is passed early during the pregnancy, this could be a sign of miscarriage. A doctor should be contacted immediately if tissue is passed. A description of the tissue is typically requested by the doctor. Make a mental note of color, shape and size if you pass any tissue.

    Falling hCG levels

    • Falling hCG levels are the most reliable indicator of miscarriage. If blood test show that hCG levels are falling over time, it is highly likely that the patient is having a miscarriage. If a test shows that hCG levels have fallen, typically the patient will be asked to do two more blood test within a few days to confirm the miscarriage.

    Facts on Miscarriage

    • Most miscarriages cannot be stopped or avoided. Miscarriages are nature's way of getting rid of a fetus that is not developing properly or has not attached properly. Resting as much as possible early on during pregnancy can help to allow the fetus to attach properly and can reduce the risk of miscarriage. Having one or more miscarriages does not necessarily mean that you cannot have a healthy pregnancy. Most women feel some sort of responsibility for the miscarriage; it was not your fault. You should remember most miscarriages cannot be avoided. This goes for a feeling of inadequacy, having a miscarriage does not make you less of a person or less of a woman. If you were trying to get pregnant do not feel rushed to start trying again, only you know when you are ready to try to have a baby again.

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