The reason that you're looking for alternative ways to get rid of your itchy eczema skin is because you know what conventional drugs are like and you're aiming to use more of a natural approach to stop your skin problems.
Almost every eczema sufferer will get to this stage.
The Problem With Conventional Treatments The problem with Western medicine is that they rely everything on practical evidence, researches and studies.
Without proof, nothing is applicable.
And the only workable treatment for eczema is steroid creams that block the hormonal functions in our body.
We all know that prolonged usage of steroids is no good, because the drug is simply suppressing the symptoms for the short-term relief in exchange for the long-term pain.
Let me give you several alternative methods for improving your eczema.
Alternative Treatments For Eczema (External) 1.
Essential Oils There are many different natural oils that can help you with soothing the skin tissues, kill of bacteria, refill your skin pores with moisture and even encourage better blood flow.
Herbal Skin Pastes Rather than using artificial chemicals as your basis for topical treatment, use concoctions made of herbal mixtures to apply to your skin.
It's natural and comes with no side effects.
Relaxation Techniques Stress and sleep are two critical factors that determine your skin health, therefore you should learn certain ways to help yourself relax from the everyday pressure from work, family, money and so on.
Ideas include: acupressure, massages, hypnosis...
Alternative Treatments For Eczema (Internal) 1.
Herbal Juice Intake Stop going to your Western doctor and start going to a herbalist for treatments, because drugs will always give you long-term disadvantages compared to natural medicine made from herbs that are nothing but natural.
Dietary Changes For your internal health, you'd want to eat the best foods to promote recovery for your eczema skin.
What you're putting into your body is exactly relevant to how itchy your skin can get, because your skin ultimately reflects upon your internal gut health.
In other words, you better start eating a healthy diet to eliminate your skin symptoms:
- No foods high in natural chemicals.
- Lots of vegetables (but no corn, tomatoes).
- Lots of fruits (preferably in the morning).
- In proper balance of 50% veggies and the other half split between an equal share of carbohydrates and protein.
- Nothing artificially made.