Are you chosen to set captives free? Are you called to deliverance ministry?
The first demon that I cast out was in 1983. I've learned a lot since then.
It is my contention that most of our religious world is deceived, and that also includes those who propose to €cast out demons in the name of Jesus€ in what is known as deliverance ministry.
I do not consider myself a deliverance minister because I have some serious issues with the body of knowledge that most deliverance ministers rely on. I am a deliverance counselor. I equip the captive to help his or herself do spiritual warfare to get free and STAY free!!!
The Lord Himself warned us in the word of God that the vast majority of humanity would enter the false door of religion and travel the broad way to destruction. Where deliverance ministry is concerned, it is relatively new to Christianity, conceived in the early 70's.
The Lord has revealed to me that Satan himself is the master architect of deliverance ministry., Truthfully, we should not be surprised to discover that the fallen angels and demons under Satan's command have already established a seat in what we have all come to know today as €deliverance ministry.€ To those of you who join me in training to be a minister, I have personally committed myself to teach you the demonic tricks of the deliverance counseling/mentoring trade, so that you will be able to know the truth and the truth itself will help YOU to set the captives free.
I have developed a unique deliverance counseling/mentoring model called "Spiritual Empowerment Workshop." Our ministers in training meet everyday in a private Facebook group called SEW Ministerial Alliance. Each minister's curriculum is individually designed based upon the specific skills, capability, background, calling, and hours availability (schedule) There are written lessons, oral lessons, videos, audios, and on the job training experiences.
SEW is a specialized spiritual warfare training program
A piece of paper on an ordination certificate does not make a minister.
Each of those we mentor is a potential minister in training. In fact, former captives are intricately prepared to set other captives free. Those we mentor, we also train. However, whether or not a trainee has such background, basic counseling practice skills are specifically designed to each trainee's skills, goals and interests.
Skill development concentrates on those core subjects that relate to specific areas, particularly to populations at risk of demonic infestation, ie, addiction, prostitution, sexual sin, generational and cultural issues, child and sexual abuse, the occult and witchcraft, false religion and idolatry, and social isolation.
Mental health issues such as depression, bi-polar
disease, multi-personality disorder, schizophrenia, narcissistic personality disorder, the anti-social personality, criminal behavior, phobias, stress and anxiety are also a part of the curriculum.
These content areas are prioritized because they are among those most often encountered in counseling or they present excessively difficult situations for the untrained to address.
Since we all learn by doing, each trainee will be assigned others to mentor. SEW begins with self-examination while simultaneously studying the strategies, deceptions and devices of the demonic world. The trainee receives insight on how to screen for, assess and provide SEW deliverance mentoring to persons who have been affected by demons as well as how to break demonic power with truth. All trainees are taught the fundamentals of individual and group counseling. For more information, send an email to or call 518-477-5759
SEW Training Tuition
Each SEW Module is $25. To download a module, send an email to Specify which module you would like to download and whether you would also like to obtain SEW Interactive which is an additional $25.You will be sent a PayPal invoice.Once you purchase the SEW Training Module, within 24 hours, you will be sent a case-sensitive password to open and download one or more of the files below:
SEW I Interactive:($25) Feedback by either telephone or email in response to either your written or oral answers to SEW I Assignments.Ths is an optional service.
SEW has 2 different kinds of assignments: short answer and narrative. If a SEW module has T/F or multiple choice, the correct responses are provided at the end of each module. However, if a trainee desires an interactive form of training and completes the narrative either in writing or would like a personal response from a SEW instructor, feedback will be provided within 48 hours, either in writing or in a 30 minute telephone consultation, as requested.
For more info on how to become a certified deliverance mentor with the SEW Program, call 518-477-5759
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