If you want your copy to have a high conversion rate, you have to focus on more than just writing. It requires you to understand the needs of your readers so they can be persuaded that your product can solve a problem for them. We will look at some proven copywriting techniques to help you do this.
To begin with, remember that when you write copy, the focus should not be on yourself. It's about your prospect, your customer, people who will spend their money to buy your product. Your target audience wants to know how your product is going to solve a problem for them, not about what a great business person or leader (or whatever) you are. They want to hear how you or your product is going to help them. If you spend too much time discussing your own personal story you are going to alienate your audience. It's essential that your copy does not have too many "I's" when it should be full of "you's." Many copywriters make the mistake of boasting their credentials in such a way that the prospect has no choice but to look at the competitor's product. In your sales copy, start telling them the benefits sooner rather than later. You have to keep your customer as the main character of your copy, from beginning to end.
When you're writing a sales copy, you don't write like an English professor. Your goal is just to make your copy convincing as you tell your prospects they need to buy what you're offering. You should never try to show off your vocab, just talk to them as you normally would if they were sitting in front of you. You need to just write like it's a pal in front of you. The more easy-going and comfortable you look to your prospect, the more confident you'll come out. The prospect will then be much more comfortable with you. If you can create an understanding about your products, your prospects will receive your copy better. Think of your sales copy as your own sales person. If you make it too dry, and write like you're writing an essay, it would become too daunting for anyone to read it, let alone act on it.
There's always been a debate about whether short copy is better than long copy or vice versa. For better results studies have shown that a long copy is better than a short copy but at the end it is really only up to you. This is mainly because people want a lot of information before they buy a product. For those prospects who don't want to have a long lecture on the product a short copy would be best for them.
It's a good idea to aim at making people feel secure about doing whatever you want them to do. Then making a purchase is no longer a stressful activity on their part. That's when you get the sale.
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