Following a good weight training routine will help to determine your ability to gain weight and build muscle.
Millions of people in the United States flock to their local gym everyday in an attempt to gain weight and bulk up.
Some succeed and are able to add muscle and weight to their frame.
Unfortunately, many fail and are unable to improve their bodies at all.
Most of the people that are fail when they are trying to bulk up do so because they are not following a great workout routine that is catered to their body's strengths and weaknesses.
Some people simply struggle to gain weight and build muscle.
These people are called hardgainers.
Their muscles take longer to recover after a workout.
They need extra rest time in order to let these muscles fully heal before putting them through another weight lifting session.
When people hardgainers lift with tired muscles, it is actually weakening the muscle than strengthening it.
A great workout for a hardgainer consists of only 3 to 4 hours in the weight room each week.
Each training session should not last longer than one hour.
This is the perfect amount of time to trigger significant muscle growth while not overworking the muscles.
When you lift too much, too often, you are straining the muscles and not allowing them any opportunity to grow.
Using the proper technique when you are lifting is also important.
You can seriously injure yourself in the weight room if you are not careful.
Each exercise should be performed with a wide base and a straight back.
Arching your back can lead to lifelong ailments.
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