Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Stretch Mark Home Remedies

Stress Marks is something we all like to avoid getting and if we do get them we like to get rid of them. Well there are a few things we can do to prevent getting them but there are also things we can do to reduce your stretch marks.

The minute you find out you're pregnant you should rub Vaseline intensive care on your stomach every morning and every night to help you prevent getting stretch marks.

Vitamins can help if you take them both oral and apply certain gel or oil to your body. Like aloe vera gel, cod liver oil, or vitamin E oil to stretch mark areas will help speed up the healing process.

You can also try a mixture of 1/2 virgin olive oil, 1/4 cup aloe vera gel, and liquid from 6 capsules of vitamin E, and liquid from 4 capsules of vitamin A. Put them in a blender and store this mixture in the refrigerator and use it daily.

Putting Lavender Essential Oil directly on scars will help them fade. You can also heal any other wounds faster with the application of this oil.

I know, we all hate to hear this but it is true that if you want to deal with stretch marks and prevent them from arising in the first place, you will really have to think about exercising. Since we know that stretch marks are caused by weight fluctuations, you can bet that this topic was going to come up.

Exercise and weight issues are synonymous with one another. In fact, you can't mention one without the other. We know that firm skin helps in combating stretch marks, but exercise is a major aspect of that. The fact is that once you have stretch marks, you can't get rid of them, but you can minimize their appearance so they are better to look at.

Here are some great exercises that will help to firm different areas of the body. Firming any areas that have stretch marks generally include: the thighs, hips and abdomen.

Start with 20 legs raises which is one of the best exercises to work the hip and leg area, which is where stretch marks are most likely to occur, is a straight leg raise exercise. To begin, lie down on the floor on your side, legs straight, one on top of the other. Then extend the arm that's floor-side down over your head and rest your head on your arm.

Put your other hand flat on the floor in front of your waist. Keeping both legs straight and toes pointed straight ahead; raise your top leg from hip to toe as far as it will go, then lower it back to the floor. Raise and lower your leg in a slow, controlled motion.

Begin with 8 to 10 leg raises on each side at least three times a week. Then, as each exercise begins to seem easy add a leg raise or two until you've worked your way up to 20 leg raises three times a week.

Try this exercise and you should be well on your way to a firmer body and if you make this exercise to one of your habit which is not hard to do then you are sure to benefit from it.

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