- 1). Locate the new canes along each main grape branch. These canes grow vertically up from the horizontal main branches.
- 2). Cut back each cane to a short spur that is no more than 1-inch high with pruning shears. Cut the spurs so only two buds remain near the base of the spur, where it connects to the main branch.
- 3). Space the spurs 6 to 10 inches apart along each branch. Trim off excess spurs flush to the branch, leaving no buds on these spurs.
- 4). Untie the grapevine from the trellis after pruning. Bend it so it lays against the soil and cover with a 6- to 8-inch layer of mulch. The mulch protects the recently pruned vine from winter damage. Uncover and retie the vine to the trellis in late winter when the spur buds begin to swell and grow.
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