Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Treatment Approaches For Drug Addiction

A first class drug abuse and drug addiction treatment facility will approach these problems in several different ways, in order to fully help the broadest range of clients. Custom tailored programs should be able to draw methods from the medical, psychological, therapeutic, and self-help fields that can be formed into a comprehensive, yet individualized drug abuse or drug addiction therapy. The goal, of course is to help the patient achieve and sustain long-term abstinence, free from any substance abuse. For many patients the journey to recovery from drug abuse or drug addiction requires the care of highly skilled staff at a Residential Drug Treatment Center. This provides an addicted individual the greatest opportunity for drug rehabilitation.

While living in the rehab center, patients are held responsible for the same daily tasks as they would have in any normal living situation. These monitored tasks might include cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning and maintaining of their living quarters. While staying at the center they should get effective drug abuse or drug addiction treatment that emphasizes these real-life tasks in preparation for a successful re-entry into daily life and a home environment, after leaving the center. Intensive ongoing clinical care along with the structure and support of extended residential care improves the success of a drug abuse or drug addiction recovery program. Residential treatment will provide a gradual transition back to the real world through the patient's individualized treatment in the rehab center environment.

Patients must receive extensive continuing care throughout the drug treatment process to prevent relapse. The patient is helped to grasp the importance of integrating 12-Step meetings and aftercare to continue their off-campus recovery. Special emphasis should be placed on family relationships, medical well being, nutrition, physical fitness spirituality and vocational training, just to name a few. When a patient still requires intensive treatment but is no longer in need of 24-hour supervision, a Partial-Day Drug Treatment Center can continue the recovery process, while the patient transitions from residential to outpatient and finally aftercare. The recovering individual spends daytime therapy and activity hours in a comfortable, safe supportive treatment center during the day and the night at his or her own home. A well thought out drug abuse and drug addiction treatment facility will incorporate a partial day program into the recovery process. In the partial day phase of recovery the patient has started to re-enter society by returning to the home and possibly even school or the workplace, while still attending therapy sessions during the day.

Individuals receiving drug abuse or drug addiction treatment require an uninterrupted chain of care that helps them gradually ease their way back into the challenges of daily life. Once they have progressed through residential addiction treatment and partial day treatment, patients should continue to receive a high level of support from Out Patient Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction Treatment. Out patient rehabilitation programs are also available for those who have not received residential care at a traditional drug abuse or drug addiction treatment center. Professional support and assistance is offered in order to help the patient to achieve and maintain a drug free lifestyle. Outpatient services are for those who do not require a structured and monitored environment to remain drug free and are not clinically determined to be in acute withdrawal. Long-Term Drug Treatment and Addiction Recovery offers lifetime aftercare at a drug addiction treatment center to avoid the devastation of an individual suffering a relapse. Long term prevention should be begun immediately upon completion of a drug treatment program. Drug addiction is a disease that requires lifetime support and relapse prevention. Long-term drug treatment increases the likelihood that a patient will achieve abstinence and experience renewed personal growth. After residential, partial day, and outpatient treatment, professional support must continue in a patient's drug addiction recovery.

No successful drug abuse or drug addiction treatment and recovery can succeed without addressing the needs of family members and significant others. Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction Treatment of the Patient's Family can make or break the chances of a patient's recovery. Those closest to the abuser or addict are considerably affected by their behavior and require that considerable attention be directed to their own suffering. Because the lives of all family members are so intertwined, drug abuse and drug addiction treatment is most effective when treated as a family disease. Symptoms of drug related family dysfunction can take the form of spouse or child abuse, divorce, accidents and negligence, financial loss, stress, and many other effects not immediately apparent.

Family members may invest substantial efforts into keeping up appearances and covering up for the addicted individual. The pain of admitting that they cannot control what is happening to the family can be unbearable. Trying to control the substance abuser by removing the drugs or alcohol, eliciting promises of abstinence, and hiding the substance abuse are some of the ways families are drawn into the abuser's sickness. Recovery for the family is an ongoing process involving active participation in professionally monitored and conducted group therapy sessions. During a family's involvement, they should learn about the diseases and disorders related to drug abuse and drug addiction. Recovery programs give the opportunity to heal together along with the addicted family member and address issues that will have a long-term impact on all their lives.

I have attempted to outline the safest, most successful programs that a drug abuse and drug addiction treatment center MUST have, in order to maintain a high level of long-term patient recovery. Additionally a comfortable, safe environment must be offered by the residential treatment phase of any program. Transitions Recovery offers the full list of therapies and modalities from a beautiful and comfortable gated facility in Miami, Florida, which attracts patients from all over the country.

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