For those who suffer from acne, it can be very depressing, frustrating and mind boggling.
It seems that more and more people are developing acne that ever before.
It can happen at any age, and it can affect any part of the body.
Even though you have mild acne, if left untreated it can progress to moderate or even severe acne.
Severe acne treatment is much more difficult as it can form inflamed nodules and cysts.
As if that isn't enough, it will more than likely leave scarring.
Keeping in mind it can happen to anyone at any age, it is most common amongst teenagers.
When you have this type of acne and are looking for a treatment, you may want to consult with a dermatologist.
However, there are many treatments readily available to treat this type of acne.
Because of the severity, this type needs to have extra special attention because the cysts are so deeply rooted.
You can take a prescription medication, or try other treatments as well.
Your doctor will take several factors into consideration before prescribing you a medication, such as your age, skin type, and the cause of the acne.
Taking something orally that will help you internally is usually what a doctor will do first.
Most oral medications will really help with a severe acne treatment.
Many of these oral drugs are very potent and come with side effects that can be quite serious.
One such drug, Isotretinion, is very powerful, and is used to treat severe acne.
When all else fails doctors will prescribe this.
Because of the severity of the side effects, you will have to closely monitored.
It can cause birth defects in a fetus and is strongly recommended not to be given to pregnant woman.
Woman of child bearing years that are considering taking this drug should have a pregnancy test prior to taking the medication.
Other side effects can be abdominal pain, pain to the chest, joint and bone pain, headaches, blurred vision and nausea.
Taking an oral contraceptive can be very effective for women that have this type of acne.
It helps to control the sebaceous glands which produce oil.
If you're not to enthused to take a prescription medication and be affected by all the serious side effects,you can find another severe acne treatment.
I suggest that you look for an acne system, one that has combining products that will work together to get rid of your acne.
One of the products should be an oral treatment that will work from the inside where the acne starts to form.
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