Ask practically any golfer about what they'd like to improve in their game and a large number of them will say distance of the tee or that they'd like to have a more powerful swing.
While this is natural it's important not to sacrifice consistency and accuracy in this search for power, so if being stronger isn't enough how can one change their technique to achieve their goals? We're about to tell you about 3 methods you can use to make big changes to your power levels, read on for more.
Increasing spinal rotation to generate more power.
As you know, every time you swing a golf club you need to rotate around your spine, but what exactly does this have to do with developing more power? Well, every time you stabilize your hips in order to make your full backswing you are forced to rotate your spine.
You may not have heard of the 'X Factor' but this is a key part of the power generation process, the difference in movement in your hips versus that in your spine is what builds power in your swing.
Increase your spinal rotation while maintaining stable hips will allow you to unleash a new level of power in your game.
Exercising Your 'Core'.
The muscles in your hips, abdomen, lower back and pelvis all work together, hopefully in perfect harmony, to provide you with good core stability.
By supporting your spine and helping to generate your movement they also act as your power zone during your swing.
If you can develop this part of your body successfully you will be able create more power while reducing the chance of injury through overuse.
Your center of gravity is also located in your 'core' and if it is weak you have a much higher chance of suffering from poor posture (not just on the golf course) so it pays to spend some time developing it.
Simple Exercise.
How would you like to be able to increase your driving distances by 4.
3% whilst also increasing club head speed by 1.
5%? Well these were the results seen in a recent study of amateur golfers who followed a course of strength training combined with plyometrics for as little as eight weeks.
Plyometrics, if you didn't know, is any exercise where your muscle is stretched before then being contracted immediately, and as you can see research suggests incorporating exercises like standing golf swings (among others) into an exercise routine can be incredibly beneficial.
So do a little research on plyometrics and add them into your golfing exercise or warm up routine to reap the benefits out on the course.
So remember, just making some small changes in your golfing lifestyle can make a large difference to your power game, just think about the looks on your playing partners faces when you consistently outdrive them, it'll be priceless.
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