Everybody loves a good smile, and everybody wants a good smile.
But no one is going to compliment you on your smile if you drink too many soft drinks, eat like you are a ten-year-old on Halloween, brush your teeth once every other day, and have never seen a piece of floss, much less know what to do with it.
Good hygiene habits are something that have to be inculcated and developed, especially when it comes to your teeth.
But everybody knows it's easy to get lazy about it.
It's late at night, you're tired, and you don't feel like putting down your book to go brush your teeth and floss; or maybe it's early in the morning, you're late to work, and you just don't have time to clean your in-dire-need-of-cleaning teeth.
And if you don't practice good hygiene, it's unlikely that your family will either.
Family dentistry professionals, however, can help both you and your loved ones get back on track to have nice, white smiles and clean, sparkling teeth again.
Working with professionals, you will learn (or hopefully be reminded of) all the details of how to keep your teeth and gums healthy: brush at least twice a day for approximately two minutes-one minute on top and one minute on bottom-being careful to brush in circular motions rather than vertically or horizontally in order to prevent gum damage; floss carefully every night before you go to bed in order to dislodge all the food particles stuck between your teeth and prevent gum diseases like gingivitis.
Family dentistry practices can also help get your kids started early on getting into the routine of brushing and flossing on a daily basis.
It's not uncommon that the professionals will go out of their way to make brushing and flossing a fun and even cool activity.
Soon enough the kids will be eager to go to your family dentistry practice's office to play in the waiting room-televisions, video games, books, etc.
, are often strategically placed for entertainment-and see the nice nurses and doctors that help their teeth clean.
In addition to helping you and your family back into good hygiene habits, family dentistry practices offer the professional services that you simply can't get in your home.
Your teeth will be professionally cleaned to remove any plaque build-up, flossed individually and meticulously, and each tooth will be examined with great care to ensure that there are no cavities, chips, or other problems.
If problems are discovered, they will be more than likely fixed during the visit, and you will be advised as to how you can avoid another incident in the future.
And, of course, the same goes for your younger ones, who can take apply their lessons to other hygiene habits, too.
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