In Real Estate as in life you will occasionally hit a brick wall or a roadblock.
Whether it's dealing with a seller who has placed an unreasonable value on their home, a buyer who doesn't want to pay the fair market value, or some problem with closing escrow, roadblocks happen all the time.
How you deal with these will eventually determine how successful you are.
Don't let roadblocks stop you from succeeding.
Don't try to force the outcome - Do you have a mental picture of how a transaction is suppose to proceed and then refuse to let it go? A good agent is always adaptable.
They go around roadblocks instead of trying to run through them.
If something doesn't go as planned, adjust your plan to allow for the circumstances.
Swimming down stream is much easier than fighting the rapids.
Don't continuously take inventory - Do you create a list of goals you want to accomplish and then spend a bunch of your time looking for evidence why you're not going to meet those goals? Goals and a plan to achieve them are good things, but not if you are eating up all your productive time by constantly doing evaluations.
Strive to achieve your goals, but set your evaluation process for something like once a month.
If your goal is to get 7 listing every month and on the 22nd you only have 2, don't panic.
Continue to consistently do what you know will work.
If at the end of the month your goals are not achieved, then adjust your plan at that point to allow for any shortcomings you may be experiencing.
Don't lose focus.
Do you focus on what you don't want instead of what you do want? When you focus on something you create feelings.
If you focus on the bad things that could happen, that will convey a negative feeling which if reflected in your daily dealings.
Instead, focus on what you want to achieve and let those expectations influence what you do.
Don't fret about things that may never happen.
If you do, that becomes your reality.
Don't complain.
Do you work with other agents that are continuously complaining about market conditions, interest rates, etc? Do you find yourself looking to them to validate why you're not successful? It's easy to find others who will agree with reasons for being unsuccessful.
However, all you are doing is reinforcing the negative when you should be looking at the positive.
Stop insisting that things are bad and turn your focus to what you need to do to make things good.
Don't forget to dream.
Are you creating dreams or nightmares? It's easy to get disconnected from our dreams in the daily grind of life.
However, our dreams provide the inspirations for so much of what we want to achieve.
Let your imagination run wild and see yourself doing and having what you really want.
Don't stay where you are.
It easy to get stuck in a certain comfort zone.
This occurs when you do the same things the same way every week, month or year.
Try to break this cycle and change things up periodically.
Do things that will interrupt your normal patterns.
Because of the way we are wired, we are all basically creatures of habit.
But if you are continually forcing changes, you will be able to break the pattern that keeps you stuck in the same comfort zone.
Don't be in a hurry.
Do you want what you want right now? We are a society of people in a hurry.
Take time each day to enjoy the journey and notice how far you've come.
Try to appreciate your accomplishments to this point.
Let your goals, dreams and accomplishments sustain you.
Allow yourself to feel good about what you do and try to look at life's roadblocks as just an opportunity to explore a different route.
(c) 2008 Leading Example Enterprises Inc.
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