Health & Medical Yoga

The Total Lifestyle Benefits of Meditation

Most people barely have time to relax, much less meditate.
However, this decrease, if not outright loss, of any restful activity can prove to a bigger problem as time progresses.
Not to say that it is a necessity to bum around and watch television but continuous working without getting any rest for both your mind and body is also disastrous not only for your work record but also for your general health.
Luckily, there are meditation techniques that can be done in a space of a few minutes, even while travelling.
Contrary to various shows and texts, you don't need to be isolated in a room with only music as your companion.
If anything, the only requirement to this activity is focus, not silence and definitely not some obscure instrumental type of music.
Generally though, the practice of using music, candles and even different aromas is encouraged as it allows more concentration thus assisting one in achieving his or her center.
Three meditation techniques that can be done while on the go are 'the teaching game', 'breath awareness' and 'the alphabet'.
With the teaching game, one builds focus by thinking of three completely impossible things to teach.
Some instructors find it an excellent tool in assisting those having troubles controlling their temper.
Breath awareness, or breathing exercises as most call it, basically involves closing your eyes and properly concentrating on regulating your breathing patterns in a slow, sure and rhythmic manner.
The alphabet is mostly a variation of the former with a few additions.
It consists of thinking up of different words for each letter of the alphabet, the more difficult or obscure - the better.

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