Business & Finance Business Insurance

Keep A Tab On Your Health And Buy A Health Insurance Online

Many a times, we have seen older people getting afflicted with one heart disease or the other. However, within the last two decades, the trend has changed as more and more young people have started complaining about having a heart related diseases. There are more and more people dying because of the same reason. It is suffice to say that heart disease or having a stroke is not limited to a middle aged person or an old one. So, one has to take care of themselves from an early age as well. What are the reasons behind this changing trend which is expected to take down more people as the years pass?

A lot of recent studies have come up with the shocking news that more people living in the urban areas are prone to getting a heart disease soon in their lives. If you read the newspaper carefully, you must have come across pieces on how young people including celebrities are being diagnosed and even dying of a heart related disease. Doctors suggest that people who are in a profession where they are required to sit for a very long time all day long and most of the days in a week are at an increased risk of suffering from a hear related disease. Its not an accurate generalisation but people working in a BPO or the IT sector are more prone to heart diseases. These professionals have long working hours and have erratic work schedule. They even work in shifts, which is not good at all for the overall health.

More and more people have a desk bound job which results in minimal physical activity. This results in increasing the risks of getting a heart disease. This working culture along with graveyard shift and unhealthy eating habits contribute to increased stress level as well. Apart from this, many people smoke either out of curiosity or to tackle stress. Smoking is highly addictive and this is another cause of increased risk of having heart diseases. If the person does little or no work out, drinks and smokes a lot, than they are putting themselves at an increased risk of getting a stroke. These habits lead to high cholesterol levels, hypertension and diabetes as well. It is then, not surprising to know that in our country Diabetes is set to rise at a staggering 170% in the next 10 years.

Heart diseases were found mostly in men earlier, now it has started affecting a lot of women as well. Women are also becoming an essential part of the workforce and they are expected to work outside and at home as well. This is why they deal with more stress. Also, smoking and drinking alcohol affects women more than men as per many studies. Make sure you know how to prevent a heart attack if you feel like you are suddenly going out of breath. If there is no one around to help you, then sit if you can and try to take deep breaths. Dont be around crowds as it would make you feel more restless. Always carry an aspirin and chew it well. If you have a family history of heart diseases then you have to extra careful about your health. Keep consulting your physician at regular intervals and keep a tab on your day to day activities.

Make sure you have a proper protection and also look for good health insurance plans online. There are many good health insurance companies which offer tailor made policies which suit your needs and budget. These policies work in your benefit and dont let you suffer financially in times of medical emergencies. So, its very important that you keep a tab on your health and protect your future as well by investing in a good policy.

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