Fosamax is a biophosphate drug used to control bone density. However because of quite a few cases of adverse effects, Fosamax lawsuits are becoming a necessity.
Contrary to what many people think, bones are not dead or dry. In fact, tendons and ligaments are much closer to this definition than bones are, but still are very much alive. Bones are very hard (stronger than steel), but this hardness comes from a network of calcium and other minerals. While they may appear solid, bones are actually more of a mesh of hard fibers filled in with soft tissue. The ratio of soft tissue to hard tissue may vary greatly, with harder areas near the extreme ends and in crucial points along long bones. The soft tissue contains blood vessels and other cells.
The hard areas of bones both provide structural support and a reserve for calcium. This is why calcium deficiency causes weak bones. Calcium is necessary both for bone strength and muscle function, and muscles generally take priority.
Bones are also not static. That is, unlike ligaments and tendons, the calcium in bones is constantly being broken down and sent around the body and replaced with other calcium. Osteoclasts break bone down and oseteoblasts build it back up. When these functions work at the same speed, the bone's level of calcium stays at equilibrium. When a bone is broken, because the bone is always being built up, the osteoclasts simply don't have to work as much. This is why a severe broken bone will always heal faster than a severely torn tendon. Structurally the injury is the same; tendons have a very poor blood supply and do not naturally regenerate as fast.
Fosamax works by inhibiting the mechanisms that break down bone. In theory, this should work well to increase bone calcium, and Fosamax has successfully bolstered bone strength for many people. However, inhibiting natural bone destruction is not always ideal. Bones are not a stagnant system and need a high amount of blood flow. Fosamax adverse effects include problems such as osteonecrosis. Literally this means bone death. Essentially the reduction in destructive and constructive activity in bones translates to a reduced need for blood to the area, which leads to an abandonment of that area by the body. Imagine tying a tight string around your finger. Eventually you will lose the finger.
Fosamax adverse effects are not limited to osteonecrosis. Because of the way the drug directly interacts with bones, sometimes it can actually increase the risk of breakage. Since the inception of Fosamax, there has been a definite increase in fractures of the femur. Fosamax lawsuits have also dealt with esophageal cancer.
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