Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Is My Wife Cheating?

A very high number of husbands go through periods of self doubt when they begin to ask themselves: "Is my wife cheating?" Literally every marriage goes through various storms, and during such times, you may start doubting your wife's faithfulness. There are several things that may set off your curiosity.

However, you risk doing more harm than good if you start accusing your wife from mere suspicions. The only foolproof way of determining the truth is actually getting her in the act, but this is easier said than done. However, there are some strong signs that will help you to determine whether your wife is indeed cheating. You should, never the less, not jump to conclusions when you see just one or two signs, as there may be other valid reasons.

The following are the combinations that should warn you about what is going on.

She becomes unusually secretive

You may notice that your wife seems to keep some things from you. She may not be free to share some things with you as she used to. Generally speaking, women like to share the details of their lives with their partners, hence if you wife stops letting you into the goings on in her life, there are chances that she does not want you to know something.

She moves away before taking calls

While you should not rush to accuse your wife, when she starts getting fond of taking her calls when she is far from you and in low tones, this is something you should take note of. She may also have her phone always with her, which she will protect from you as much as possible. When this happens, it shows that she does not want you to find out some things that go on with her phone.

She gets unusually affectionate towards you

While you may assume that a cheating wife will always be distant, the opposite can be true. Your wife may begin to develop a lot of interest in you, and this may be because of the guilt feelings that she is trying to hide from you. You may have been arguing with her about her lack of affection, and so you may think that she has at last started listening to what you were saying. However, the truth may be that she is actually trying to distract your attention from her own life. However, you should be suspicious only when this sign is in combination with the other signs mentioned here.

You notice some guilty behaviors

There are high chances that your wife's cheating is bothering her. Hence she may start developing some guilty attitudes. After all, it will not mean that she no longer loves you when she goes out with another man. She will therefore suffer from a guilty conscience when someone else begins to develop affection towards her.

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