Holly Winter moved from New York to make Denver her permanent home in 1998. Huppert teaches children's writing groups around the state. She is also the author of a memoir, "Unlikely Memories and Two Amnesias."
Holly Winter received a BA in elementary education and a MA in Special Education from SUNY New Paltz. She has studied writing at Adams State College, NYU, and the Lighthouse Writers Group in Denver.
Holly published one children’s book with Steck Vaughn in 2002, "No Pay? No way." She has written for a number of resources including: a daily column for www.uselessknowledge.com, articles for The Christian Science Monitor, recipes for the cookbook, "Throw Your Parents out of the Kitchen" and essays for www.drphil.com. She currently runs a website for children’s writing at www.writeclubforkids.com. Holly began writing for Denver at About.com in 2013.
From Holly Winter Huppert
"I love live theater, live music, and a good conversation. I'm excited to join the About.com site writing about Denver."
Contact Holly
Contact Holly through Nina Snyder, the Guide to this site, or by sending an email to mshollywinter@gmail.com.