Most consumer realize that they have a credit score, but fewer consumers realize that they are also rated for insurance.
An insurance score, which operates much like a credit score, helps consumers and insurance companies determine how much it may cost to cover that person.
This scale is also determined by a person's credit as well as other factors.
This standard measurement helps insurance companies provide consistent levels of coverage to similar people.
Scores for insurance range from 200 to 997 and much can be done to change a person's score.
Many of the steps to raise a person's credit score can also raise a person's insurance score, but there are factors that are unique to the insurance scale.
Responsible account management is one of the best ways to raise an insurance score.
Having a mature approach to managing your accounts and having multiple active accounts are both positives in the eyes of insurance agents.
Also, if the accounts that are in your control do not have any outstanding fees or balances, these things weigh in your favor.
Though you can not extend your credit history any faster, you can make sure that your bills are paid in a timely fashion and that you do not overextend your use of credit.
Credit is an important factor in insurance score determination because it has proven to be a good indicator of a person's likely claim risk.
Insurance companies, like any company, are looking to be as efficient as possible in providing their product or service.
For insurance providers, this means extending accurate premiums to their customers.
Insurance scores help them quickly determine what an effective coverage price may be.
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